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Caminata contra el cáncer de mama

Caminata contra el cáncer de mama


Un año más que se organiza la caminata contra el cáncer de mama. Es un honor para este gobierno local dar un granito de arena a este gran evento que reúne a todos como una familia, para hacer consciencia de la prevención del cáncer de mama. Gracias a RECAFIS. Juntos como equipo insterinstitucional para llevar a cabo este evento.

  • Growth through innovation/creativity:
    Rather than be constrained by ideas for new products, services and new markets coming from just a few people, a Thinking Corporation can tap into the employees.
  • Increased profits:
    The corporation will experience an increase in profits due to savings in operating costs as well as sales from new products, services and ventures.
  • Higher business values:
    The link between profits and business value means that the moment a corporation creates a new sustainable level of profit, the business value is adjusted accordingly.
  • Lower staff turnover:
    This, combined with the culture that must exist for innovation and creativity to flourish, means that new employees will be attracted to the organization.
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